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All About Articles

All about articles are designed to try and bring all the various pieces of documentation together about a single topic. They may contain anything from user guides to deep internals. These are intended to give you a quick and varied understanding on various topics. The style of these all about articles is more bullet point lists of information, with pointers to other documentation.

Serial Numbers (when selling items) Receipt Formats (sales) Label Formats Delivery Addresses Selling Messages Barcodes POS Security Multi Region Pricing MYOB Interface

Article Contents

As these articles are "all about", they include content from user level to programming. As an aid, a coloured bar is sometimes drawn down the side of the page to indicate the probable audience.

Light blue bars indicate general user content

Red bars indicate content that is of a configuration nature, or more intended for advanced IT users.

Pink bars indicate content more aimed at developers and programmers.

Deep blue bars are for heavy duty internals by programmers and IT support experts.