The input command prompts the user for a simple value. It is designed for quick prototyping and data capture, it is not a fully comprehensive data capture screen.
Prompts the user for a name, but then does nothing with the input value. The value "Susan" is preloaded
input(prompt(Name) initial(Susan)) or using variables in PosScript set uname = String(Susan) input(prompt(Name) initial(%uname%))
Captures a transit number from the user and then sends this value to the command executor. The %PARAM% is replaced with whatever value the user entered
input(prompt(Transit Number) posc( maint(transit(resend(%PARAM%))) ))
Confirm with user that they really wish to perform some operation
set x = posc(input(prompt(Really do this?) type(yesno))) if x = TRUE then ... do something ... endif