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Adding images to shopper receipts

Image Hints

If you are using a 80mm wide receipt printer, we suggest using a maximum width of around 510 pixels (the exact number is printer and driver version dependant) greater than this and the image will be scaled down to fit.

Remember that most printers are black and white

For maximum compatiability, always save the images as BMP format using "24 bit color" (not Black/White, even though the printer is probably black/white)

Extensions to receipts are added using the sale(receipt(....)) PosCommand. The examples below show common usage of this command. Refer to the reference page for technical details

Adding images for specific products

Sometimes you wish to add images or text to a customers receipt, but not on all receipts (which is performed by setting header or footer images on the receipt format). For example, if a customer buys a Sanding machine, you might like to add an offer for sanding paper. This would be printed as an image on the receipt, but only when that exact product is sold

  1. Create the image you wish to print using drawing programs.
  2. Save this image file in the POS folder (on every machine that will need to print the image)
  3. Using the POS, find/edit the product you wish to print the image.
  4. The edit screen should have a field called PosCommand. This field allows you to specify any PosCommands you wish to be executed when this product is added to a sale. Enter the following

    sale(receipt(image(MyFile.bmp) linelink))

  5. Save the product edit, and test.

Adding an image when a button is pressed

If you want to allow staff to press a button to add an image to a receipt, then we program a button to issue the PosCommand

  1. Create the image you wish to print using drawing programs.
  2. Save this image file in the POS folder (on every machine that will need to print the image)
  3. Use Ctrl-Click to program the button as normal
  4. Add the command "sale(new)" to the list of commands
  5. Highlight the sale(new) command and press edit - this is a sneaky bypass that lets you alter the PosCommand, in this case we are going to replace the sale(new) with the following:


  6. Save the button programming, and test.

Adding a QR code for individual products

You may wish to display a QR code on a receipt when a specific product is sold. This might be a link to installation instructions or warranty information.

  1. Using the POS, find/edit the product you wish to print the QR code
  2. The edit screen should have a field called PosCommand. This field allows you to specify any PosCommands you wish to be executed when this product is added to a sale. Enter the following

    sale(receipt(qr(QR-DETAILS-GO-HERE) linelink))

  3. Save the product edit, and test.