Bucket Messaging.Contents
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This bucket returns individual emails and their contents from the email store, which is designed as a high volume storage and retrieval system, optimised towards long term storage of email, such as a CRM system.

This bucket will often be subjected to server side security controls

Bucket Usage

Input Predicates

Field IdDescription
f100Mailbox to read. This predicate is required

Output Fields

110YesNoSubject, from email header
111YesNoMessagetype. A Gds derived value indicating the what type of message this appears to be such as General email, delivery status, SPAM etc. This field contents a coded number
112YesNoDescription of f111 in human readable form
113Yes/NoNoMessage-Id, from email header
114NoNoSize. Indicator of number of bytes of storage required for this email. May not be exact, but will be close, differences are due to various storage and encyyption schemes that may be in use.
115NoNoFrom, from email header
116NoNoTo, from email header. This field contains one address only, but will be repeated for each address listed.
117NoNoCC, from email header. This field contains one address and is repeated for each address listed
118NoNoBcc. Reserved for BCC field, not yet implemented
119NoNoReply-To, from email header. This field contains one address only, but will be repeated for each address listed.
120NoNoBounce address, where available. For message delivery failures, this field holds the email address that was attempted to be sent too. Out-of-office style replies do not typically set this field.
121NoNoBounce Action
122NoNoBounce Supplementary Information
130NoNoImportance, from email header
131NoNoSensitivity, from email header
132NoNoDate, from email header. This date is from the email, it can be set by email clients to any value and may not be the date the email was actually received and processed.

Derived/Calculated Information

f1000NoNoLanguage. The apparent language of the main message contents (not quoted text or replied-to)
f1001NoNoProfanity level indicator. Ranges from 1 (low/none) to 100 (extreme). 0 indicates not rated
f1002NoNoDerived Contents. Type of message we believe this to be
f1003NoNoDerived Contents data. See f1002 for details.
f1004NoNoDerived Contents data. See f1002 for details.
f1005NoNoDerived Contents confidence level. How certain we are about f1002. Values range from 1(low) to 100(high), with zero indicating unknown.

Dervied Contents

Each email can be sent through the GDS NLQ subsystem to attempt to decode its contents. The outcome of this is an expected type, as in what we believe this message appears to contain.

1Message delivery failure
2No contents reply. Caused if a user presses "reply" and "send" without entering information.
10Minor positive user confirmation. Caused by responses such as "Thanks", "ok"
11Minor negative user confirmation. Caused by responses such as "no Thanks", "exit", "unsubscribe". See also code 12, negative response
12Negative user confirmation. Caused by anything that appears to be negative and stronger than minor classisification. This might be due to longer text passages being present (eg. "No thanks, I've already told you this too", or "#@%$# off")
20Out of office style automated reply. Will load f1003 with the number of days out of office from now, 0 if cannot be determined. Will also load f1004 with the actual return date. f1003 (days) is relative to now, so will change and can be negative if message is recalled later
21Gone forever automated reply. Appears to be a permanent "I have left my job" style response
22Other automated reply that is not handled
30Un-Solicited, probable SPAM. Caused when a random message arrives with text that appears to be non-useful, (eg Human body part enlargement)
31Un-Solicited general message from a known contact. This might be caused if a user randomly sends us an email about something.
