Validation performed by this API includes both static syntax conformance (is the structure correct to RFC requirements) and dynamic checks (does the mail server actually exist). It is intended to validate email addresses for the internet not in house email systems if they use dot less domains.
A valid email address only defines that the address is correct and can be used. It does not guarantee the person will actually receive the email. The complication with email is that only the final users machine can accurately say if an address is valid or not, and the only way to reliably do that check is to send the user an email. So unless you actually send the user an email there are no absolute guarantees that an email address is both valid and the user will receive the email
This validation API checks for conformance to RFC2822, but warns that some entered addresses may be invalid even if they are syntactically correct. The RFC supports a number of historic formats but these addresses are almost never seen in retail operation, so this API leans towards treating them as errors as the they are probably more typing mistakes. Overall the checks performed by this API are more detailed than simple regex checks.
Fieldpine Retailers are welcome to use to perform realtime email address checking from their websites, but the availability of this service is not guaranteed or covered under support. servers may also impose rate limits and slow response times if high load is experienced.
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Input Specification
- 1 - Replace spaces with U+2588 'Full Block'
- 2 - Replace spaces with character 219 (Windows block character on some code pages)
Validate an email, return response in JSON
Validate email, return response in XML, and only perform a subset of tests
Output Specification
The response packet from the server may include the following fields
- 1 - No-@
- 2 - No-Name-before-@
- 3 - Nothing-after-@
- 4 - No-dot
- 5 - Invalid-Domain
- 6 - DNS-Invalid
- 7 - Bad-Char-Name
- 8 - Rare-Char-Name
- 9 - DotWrong-Name
- 10 - Bad-Char-Domain
- 11 - Invalid-2nd-Domain
- 12 - On-Bounce-List
["green",""] ["green","bob","red","@","green",""]
See below for futher information on using this field
RedGreen Field
This field is designed to make realtime feedback easy for client systems to implement. The RedGreen field contains a number of pairs in the form "Color|Text".
Example of how field might be used in Javascript. In this example, we convert the requested color "yellow" to be "orange", as yellow on white background can be hard to read
var rg = Reply.RedGreen; var rga = new Array; if (rg.length > 0) { // Loop for each pair (note how loop increases by 2) for (var ndx=0; ndx < rg.length; ndx+=2) { // Convert the requested color to what we wish to display var color = rg[ndx]; if (color=='red') rga.push("<span style='color:red'>"); if (color=='green') rga.push("<span style='color:green'>"); if (color=='yellow') rga.push("<span style='color:orange'>"); // Add the text rga.push(rg[ndx+1]); rga.push("</span>"); } } // Display the HTML string, if any document.getElementById("redgreen").innerHTML = rga.join(""); document.getElementById("redgreenmessage").innerHTML = eLink_ExtractStr(Reply, "Message", "");