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NetworkLane PHYSICAL Table Structure

This page contains technical detail about the physical database structure. It is not required for normal day to day operation of the Point Of Sale.

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The networklane table table holds the defintion of each lane known or seen in the retail network. There is one record per unique identifier assigned to a POS system, so in general there will be one row per machine. Maintainance of this table should be done via the management reports page where a specialised management page exists, however, some larger sites may find it easier to directly update parts of this table.


FieldNameDatatypeMeta InfoGnapDescription
licidlongPrimary Key. Not zero100/EA unique internal id assigned to this lane. The same machine/system may be allocated different numbers over time as the environment changes.
FirstDt date/time 123/s Date/Time the lane first communicated to the Point of Sale network. This value is automatically populated
Commentsstring124/sFree form comments about this lane
AssetNostring125/sThe asset number associated with this lane
LifePhase Number 126/E A coded number indicating the status and type of lane.
0Trading Lane. An active checkout in a store
1Back Office Lane. A lane physically located inside a store but not direct selling at checkouts
2Head Office Lane. A lane physically located in Head Office
3IT/Support Lane
65Test Lane
LastIPAddr string 114/s The last IP address this lane was seen to be using when it connected to a server. This address is captured by the server using GetPeerName() to retrieve the IP address. This address may be IPv4 or IPv6. This field will dynamically change and any changes you make directly may be overwritten without warning.
DNSAddr string 127/s Contains either a DNS machine name or a IPv4/IPv6 dotted address. This field is manually maintained.
Extended Fields
tush_NNN string None Fields with this naming pattern will store information received from TUSH packets. This is solely as an aid for external reporting users and these fields are not used by the Fieldpine system.

If you wish to have a TUSH field stored in networklane, create the field in networklane using the GNAP Field id as part of the field name. Example, to store the SystemName (the manufacturers model name) (Gnap# 125) create a field named "tush_125"


A unique primary key should exist on the licid field.


The value of the licid is determined by Fieldpine licensing. If you are using static licencing, where Fieldpine issue a fixed key, you will have a static value for a given machine. If you are using dynamic licensing, then new licids will be automatically allocated by the system, and may change randomly.

Communication into Lanes

In general, lanes connect to a server to retrieve information. However in some cases the server needs to initiate the connection to the lane. In many network configurations this can be problematic due to firewalls, VPNs, uPNP and DHCP. Some of the fields in this table help with this reverse communication. More details are available in Network Notes