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Posiflex CD-3830 Keyboard Wedge Barcode Scanner
How to Configure a Posiflex CD-3830 Keyboard Wedge Barcode Scanner
Note: You will require a Posiflex CD-3830 User's Manual in order to configure the scanner. The entire process should take no more than 5-10 minutes per scanner. Steps 1 - 11 will set the scanner to work in conjunction with a PS2 keyboard. ie The scanner is plugged into the P.C and keyboard is attached to scanner Y cable.
Important: If you are using the keyboard wedge scanner with a seperate USB keyboard, you must configure the scanner using a PS2 keyboard first and then undertake step 12 prior to shutting down the P.C and replacing the PS2 keyboard with the desired USB keyboard, then restart your P.C before testing the scanner in wordpad.
- On page 90, scan the barcode labeled Program located at the top of the page.
- On page 91, scan the Warning: Default value initialization barcode..
- On page 91, scan the Exit barcode. This will return the scanner to a factory default setting.
- On page 78, scan the barcode labeled Program to place the scanner into programming mode.
- On page 78, scan the barcode labeled Prefix characters setting.
- Go to the back fold out page and scan the following barcodes in the following order: 1 E 4 2, then scan the Finish barcode on the back fold out page.
- Return to page 78, and scan the barcode labeled Suffix characters setting.
- Go to the back fold out page and scan the folowing barcodes in the following order: 1 E 4 3, then scan the Finish barcode on the back fold out page.
- Return to page 79, and scan the barcode labeled Exit. This completes the configuration of scanner to work with the Fieldpine POS application.
- To test whether the scanner is configured correctly, open Windows Wordpad and scan a barcode. The value string of the barcode should appear. Scan the barcode again and it should appear on the same line but in bold text. Every scan should alternate between normal and bold text. eg. 12345123451234512345 If it is not displaying this sequence, it has not been configured correctly. In this case, scan the Default setting barcode and repeat the above steps.
Alternatively, use the Online Barcode Scanner Test Page
- Once the scanner has been configured correctly, the POS has to recognise that there is a Keyboard Wedge Scanner connected. In the Configure screen, select Barcode Scanners and tick the Enable Wedge handling box. Restart your pos to save changes.
- Go to page 13 in manual and scan the barcode labeled Program at top of page, then scan the barcode labeled Power-On simulation. Go to the back foldout page and scane the following barcodes: 0 1 then Finish. Return to page 13 and scan the Exit barcode. Restart your P.C.