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SaleChangesAfterComplete PHYSICAL Table Structure

This page contains technical detail about the physical database structure. It is not required for normal day to day operation of the Point Of Sale.

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This table stores transactional information about a sale that was received after the sale was finalised. Information in this table is of a more significant nature than general logging/auditing which is stored in SaleLog


FieldNameDatatypeMeta InfoGnapDescription
Physkeystring:44,zerolenRequired100/sUnique key assigned to this record
Physkeysstring:44,zerolen101/sReference key to original sale. The join to sales is "sales.physkey = salelog.physkeys". This field can potentially have duplicates
LaneSidlong102/EOriginal sale id on the source lane.
Dtdatetime103/sDate/Time this record was created
Code long 104/E A coded number indicating what type of record is being stored
  • 80. A saleline was involved in a return operation
  • 81. A complete sale was returned
Tidlong107/EPos Login Id#
Srcuidlong109/EUnique id referencing lane number
LineSeqncelong160/ESaleline sequence number this applies too. Optional, only if required
RelatedSidlong161/ERelated Saleid


❖ A unique primary key should exist on the physkey field.
❖ You may wish to index Physkeys as an alternative for performance reasons.
❖ Stores will typically have a non unique index on LaneSid for performance reasons.
